Use of Electronic Signatures in Your Business Over the past several years, it has become more and more common for businesses to use electronic signatures for a variety of business-related transactions. As a result, both federal and state laws pertaining to these types of transactions have been created. California’s Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UTEA) and the Federal Electronic Signatures in
Small Details Can Lead to Big Problems As you know, I don’t normally write “alarmist” pieces, and I rarely alert clients to the activities of other law firms. However, there is a law firm in Southern California that all Employers need to be warned about. More Than Hearsay Personally, I have handled at least 10 claims in the past
PERSONAL LIABILITY OF OWNERS AND MANAGERS Under both State and Federal law, owners and managers of businesses may be held personally liable for a variety of employment and labor law violations under recent decisions and statutory authority. In the field of harassment and discrimination (especially sexual harassment) both State and Federal law allow employees to pursue actions against managers
MINIMUM WAGE Earlier in the year I mentioned that the minimum wage was going up. While this is true, it is not as simple as it sounds. Senate Bill 3 (passed April 4, 2016) creates a two-tier system for California’s minimum wage, depending on the number of employees in the company. For Employers who employ 26 or more employees,
MANDATED RETIREMENT FOR EMPLOYEES California currently has mandated paid sick leave benefits for employees, and as of September, 2016, the Governor approved mandated retirement savings plans pursuant to legislation that has been pending for several years. The bill’s implementation date is currently listed as January 1, 2017 but requires a board (entitled The California Secure Choice Retirement Savings Investment