Helpful tips provided by the Sacramento Police Department
- “Share the road” with bicyclists
- Be courteous; California law now mandates at least three feet of clearance when passing bike riders
- Look for cyclists before opening a car door or pulling out from a parking space
- Yield to cyclists at intersections and as directed by signs and signals
- Be especially watchful for riders when making turns, either left or right
- It is unlawful to drive in a bike lane except for 200 feet prior to make a right or left turn
- Wear properly fitted bicycle helmets every time they ride. If under 18 years of age, it’s the law
- A helmet is the single most effective way to prevent head injury resulting from a bicycle crash
- Riders are considered vehicle operators; they are required to obey the same rules of the road as other vehicle operators, including obeying traffic signs, signals, and lane markings.
- When cycling in the street, cyclists must ride in the same direction as traffic.
- Bicyclists should increase their visibility to drivers by wearing fluorescent or brightly colored clothing during the day, and at dawn and dusk
- To be noticed when riding at night, the law requires a front light and a red reflector to the rear
Check out all May is Bike Month events on Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocate’s (SABA) website.
Categories:Blog, News, Safety, Transportation