
  • Making Your Mark

    Making Your Mark Micromanufacturing Contest Power Inn Alliance announces a new contest to attract micromanufacturers to our area. Individuals or…

  • Wide Open Walls

      Power Inn District Participating in Wide Open Walls The “Wide Open Walls” street art event is taking place from…

  • Dave’s Desk: Minimum Wage

      MINIMUM WAGE Earlier in the year I mentioned that the minimum wage was going up. While this is true,…

  • Introducing Power Hour

    Join us Thursday, February 23rd for Power Hour to get to know your fellow members and network with other neighbors,…

  • Dave’s Desk: Mandated Retirement for Employees

      MANDATED RETIREMENT FOR EMPLOYEES California currently has mandated paid sick leave benefits for employees, and as of September, 2016,…

  • Dave’s Desk: Win Some Lose Some

      WIN SOME LOSE SOME Happy New Years . . . and Happy New Laws.  Starting with the good news,…

  • Welcome to Rebecca Wilkie

    Laura will be out on maternity leave starting at the beginning of the new year to take time with her…

  • Dave’s Desk: Weed at Work

    THE ISSUE  Recently, California passed Proposition 64 which legalized the use of marijuana for recreational purposes.  It is now legal…

  • Dave’s Desk: Recap of What to Expect in 2017

    Over the past six months several new bills have passed the legislature or been enacted by the Federal Government which…

  • Partners in Action

    The Issue In late September Alliance members stepped into action using effective Business Watch skills to help Sacramento Police catch…