DYNAMEX IS DYNAMITE: State Supreme Court Blows-Up Independent Contractor Status
In April of this year, the California Supreme Court issued a decision, named the “Dynamex Decision” which made a sudden and significant change in the determination of independent contractors under California law.
The consequences of improperly classifying an “independent contractor” could have significant impact and every business owner should be aware of this decision. If you have independent contractors now, have had independent contractors in the past or someday plan to utilize independent contractors in your business, you need to understand this change in the law.
Join attorneys David L. Cohen and John H. McCardle for a two-hour analysis of the Dynamex decision including a discussion of how it might affect your business. The presentation will be August 29, 2018, at 8:30am in the Power Inn Alliance offices.
Space is limited!
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To read more about different views and information on the potential impact of the Dynamex Decision as reported from the Sacramento Bee on August 6, 2018 titled “Who is an employee? New Standard for 2 million Workers Spurs Clash at California Capitol” click here