Power Inn Alliance (the Alliance) is pleased to announce that the next step for the development of the 225 acres known as the Sacramento Center for Innovation (SCI) took place Tuesday night at City Council. The City Council unanimously voted to support the closure of the C and 19th Street grade-level railroad crossing, which will allow the City to create a new grade- level railroad crossing south of Folsom Boulevard near Ramona Avenue. This will provide access from Folsom Boulevard into the industrial area currently not accessible for development. The SCI will become the City’s newest innovation hub, activating a significantly underutilized portion of the city in the southeastern corner, near Sacramento State and Folsom Boulevard.
Councilmember Guerra states, “This is a critical step forward to maximizing the use of our limited land to make the Sacramento Center for Innovation a reality. This roadway linkage connects Sac State with our industrial employment base and will help us diversify our job opportunities. This project is good for bike-ability, education and our local economy.”
The Alliance would like to thank the following people for the efforts and dedication to making this step a reality:
Councilmember Eric Guerra, for his leadership and drive to support job growth opportunities as well as innovation investment. His work on this project has been instrumental in the development of this in-fill district and the Alliance greatly appreciates his partnership.
Councilmember Steve Hansen, for his support of the closure of the grade-level crossing taking place in his district. We thank you and look forward to continuing our work together for an ideal access point for the biking community.
Councilmember Jeff Harris, who represents portions of the City affected by both the closure as well as the new Ramona Avenue extension. We appreciate your approach to balancing the benefits and the effects that both actions have on the area.
Assemblyman Kevin McCarty, for his initial involvement and leadership in creating the SCI master plan.
City of Sacramento’s Director of Public Works, Jerry Way, for his commitment to this project and for his vision to create an innovation hub near the City’s premier University, Sacramento State.
City of Sacramento’s Division Manager, Engineering Services, Nick Theocharides for his guidance and supervision of this project.
City of Sacramento’s Supervising Engineer, Nader Kamal, for his hard work and expertise to develop a plan that will provide extensive new bike and pedestrian infrastructure in an underserved area.
The Alliance’s Planning & Business Development Committee Chair, Scott Lee, for his dedication and time overseeing this project for our organization. Your leadership has been invaluable in moving this effort forward.
Members of the Planning & Business Development Committee, for their input and efforts to shape this portion of our district.
Jim Brown, Executive Director for the Sacramento Area Bicycling Advocates, for your guidance and partnership on the collaboration on both C and 19th street and the Ramona Avenue extension.
David Moon, Principle of Coleraine Capital Group, who together with his partners at Amcal Equities, is leading the proposed student housing project, The Crossings, that will serve as one of the first catalyst projects for the SCI.
Next steps in this development include the presentation of The Crossings student housing project to the Planning and Design Commission on September 8, 2016. The proposed $80 million instrumental project will provide 725 off-campus housing for students and will include an innovation zone as one of its premier amenities.