The new Membership model the Power Inn Alliance we will be adopting in 2017 is a product of feedback garnered from recent outreach, which included:
Partnering with the Metro Chamber, we conducted a Business Walk with more than 30 participants visiting about 80 businesses in the area. Participants included Councilmember Eric Guerra, District Director Christine Roybal, police Captain Don Davis, and staff, the Assessor’s office representatives, Sac BERC (Business Environmental Resource Center) and many other supporters. The Walk concluded that 77% of businesses were doing well – many citing their location as being one of the best things about doing business in the area. See full report here. Because of the success of this walk, we plan to host multiple events like this in 2017, with smaller groups of participants and in more concentrated areas.
Eighty-eight percent of respondents said they prefer in-person networking events to get to know other members. Committee involvement was second, tied with the Directory regarding learning about other businesses. Thirty-three percent of respondents wanted to know more about social media support, business to business referrals and marketing their business through the Alliance. It is clear we can be a platform for our local businesses to promote themselves to our membership, and this will be an element included in the new membership model for 2017.
The new model will be an all-inclusive approach to membership and will include different packages depending on how you would like to utilize your investment with us.
Watch for the Alliance team and Ambassadors as we hit the streets in Q4 to talk to members about what to expect and answer questions. If you’re due to renew in January, we will be visiting you first, then February renewals, and so on.
Power Inn Alliance is evolving with the district and the city! Thank you to those of you that responded to the survey and participated in the Business Walk. Our sincerest thanks, also, to all of our members who have supported us over the years.